
Showing posts from September, 2022

8| Environmental Pollution - English Essays- BISE Gujranawala

Environmental Pollution Outline: i. Definition of Pollution- a threat to mankind. ii. Kinds of pollution- water, air, soil, noise etc. iii. Man's selfishness and creed have aggregated the situation. iv. A balance between agricultural and industrial development.  v. Important measures to control the situation. vi. Conclusion  “Pollution is nothing but the resources we are not harvesting. We allow them to disperse because we have been ignorant of their values.” B. M. Follower Pollution means to contaminate purity. The unhealthy environment is highly unfavourable for living objects. This problem is gradually taking a gigantic proportion and is threatening the life and safety of people in general. Pollution of various kinds i.e. water, water, noise and flood pollution etc. are causing a drastic threat to man’s existence. Our modern civilization is basically responsible for it because of the emission of CO 2 , sulphur oxides and hydrocarbons. And it has led to increasing pressu...

2| My Hobby- An essay with an outline for Part 2 English

    2-My Hobby   “Earth and sky, woods and fields, lakes and rivers, the mountains and the sea, are excellent schoolmasters, and teach some of us more than we can ever learn from books.”                                                                   John Lubbock A hobby  is an activity which is made by a person in his  leisure  time. It keeps one busy and active. It helps him relax in the  humdrum  of life. My hobby is  gardening  which I enjoy  from the core of my heart . I love Nature very much. I feel attached to the world of nature, which is my strong passion. When the weather is  extremely  hot or cold the...

1| Life in Big City- an essay with outline- English Part 2

    1| Life in a Big City Outline: I. Since the advent of life on the Earth  II. City life has greater opportunities of life  III. Advantages of the city life. IV. Great opportunities available in the city life  V. Disadvantages of city life.  Vi. Conclusion. “Fine art is that in which the hand, the head, and the heart of man may go together.” John Ruskin Since the dawn of life, man has been yearning after all the comforts and luxuries of life. There spreads a long series of  multi-dimensional  fields of knowledge from the  murky  depth of the ocean to beyond the vast universe. Man, with his great power of wisdom and intellect, has been keen to explore stunning discoveries. He has invented useful technologies for the service of mankind. It will be honoured and commended forever and ever. “Service to mankind is a great virtue of life.” Since time immemorial little settlements grew on the banks of rivers and near fertile lands. People...

An Ideal Character- Esssays in English for all classes

An Ideal Character Outline:  He has values of an appreciating model and decent character He knows that the knowledge of self is the knowledge of God He learns to probe into the soul of real and good knowledge He is keen to learn everyday knowledge He has a capability to express himself effectively before his teachers He takes part in all co-curriculum activities Conclusion “A man’s character is the reality of himself. His reputation is the opinion others have formed of him.” By Beecher Learning is a stupendous (   breathtaking             ) presentation (      show         ) of performance, facts, ideas and skills to other members of society. And the person who does this is called an ideal student. He usually enjoys a noble status in a well-reputed institution. He is considered to be a model of decent values (  cost          ). He bears a flawless character. H...

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