1| Life in Big City- an essay with outline- English Part 2

  1| Life in a Big City


I. Since the advent of life on the Earth 

II. City life has greater opportunities of life 

III. Advantages of the city life.

IV. Great opportunities available in the city life 

V. Disadvantages of city life. 

Vi. Conclusion.

“Fine art is that in which the hand, the head, and the heart of man may go together.” John Ruskin

Since the dawn of life, man has been yearning after all the comforts and luxuries of life. There spreads a long series of multi-dimensional fields of knowledge from the murky depth of the ocean to beyond the vast universe. Man, with his great power of wisdom and intellect, has been keen to explore stunning discoveries. He has invented useful technologies for the service of mankind. It will be honoured and commended forever and ever.

“Service to mankind is a great virtue of life.”

Since time immemorial little settlements grew on the banks of rivers and near fertile lands. People settled there due to the easy availability of the necessities of life. They had a very limited life and resources. They continued pouring in and those tiny settlements kept on burgeoning till they became bigger and bigger. Now they are great cities and metropolises. They have all the modern facilities of life in abundance. The people prefer to live in the cities now. They want to avail themselves of all the modern opportunities life.

Be happy with what you have and are, be generous with both and you won’t hunt for happiness.

Life in these big cities is quite easy as well as restless. (anxious) It is fast and progressing day by day. There are many points on which it seems advantageous and from many points, it looks disadvantageous (faulty).

The advantages of city life are manifold (innumerable). First of all, all necessities of life are easily available at hand. Cities are hubs of (centres) education, schools, colleges and universities that are open to all. We can get the best education and modern vocational training at the cheapest rate. There is no paucity (scarcity) of good teachers and excellent institutions. The private sector is providing the best facilities for education. When educated minds meet regularly, their interaction (communication) work wonders in the field of science, literature as well humanities and social sciences. However, life and all other activities became more and more complex with the passage of time. They people need to adopt a moderate life to level a happy life.

“Excellence of the material body consists in colour, the loveliness of form, strength and destiny.” Pant Anjali

They can take part in the day to day activities and culture as well. Educational programs produce a conducive (helpful) atmosphere for the betterment of civilization, and the progress of mankind. Therefore, it is rightly said that “Nothing is either good or bad in the world, thinking makes it so.”

 “There is no excellent beauty that has not some strangeness in the proportion.” Francis Bacon

With the modern facility of the Internet, it is making progress day by day. Within no time one can get any useful information one wants. Health facilities are available. There are renowned (famous) doctors and well-equipped hospitals and clinics with 24-hours services. Medicines are easily available even to a layman (amateur) in the market.  Communication and transport have made life easy and comfortable. There are better opportunities for enjoyment, picnic and entertainment. Every new arrival in the market makes city life more charming and comfortable.

“However difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at.” Stephen Hawking

But there are disadvantages paralleled (corresponded) to these advantages. Life is so busy that people are left with little time for friends and relatives. With the advent of the internet and mobile phones, people have become more lethargic (lazy) and passive. They try to keep themselves away from physical activities these days. 

Click here to read an essay of MY HOBBY with outline

“Life is a dream for the wise, a game for a fool, a comedy for a rich, a tragedy for a poor.”

Excessive use of modern machinery has brought a lot of noise and air pollution. There are no fresh things available. Rush and impurities (pollutants) have marred (broken) the very essence of the enjoyments of life. There is no time for people to enjoy. Life is uncertain, lonely and precarious (dangerous) in hustle and bustle ( crowded).  Life is a progress from want to want, not from enjoyment to enjoyment.” Samuel Johnson

In a nutshell, life in the big city has its advantages as well disadvantages. It is up to the living soul whether he lives a life in the city or village as what is his choice natural and tough or artificial (duplicate) and easy one. We need learn more about life to move on. Humanity is still advancing; and it will probably continue to advance for hundreds of thousands of years more, always on condition that we know how to keep the same line of advance as our ancestors towards ever-greater consciousness and complexity. Thus all

“Scientific advancements should aim to affirm and to improve human life.” Nathan Deal


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