An Ideal Character- Esssays in English for all classes

An Ideal Character


  • He has values of an appreciating model and decent character
  • He knows that the knowledge of self is the knowledge of God
  • He learns to probe into the soul of real and good knowledge
  • He is keen to learn everyday knowledge
  • He has a capability to express himself effectively before his teachers
  • He takes part in all co-curriculum activities
  • Conclusion

“A man’s character is the reality of himself. His reputation is the opinion others have formed of him.” By Beecher

Learning is a stupendous (   breathtaking             ) presentation (      show         ) of performance, facts, ideas and skills to other members of society. And the person who does this is called an ideal student. He usually enjoys a noble status in a well-reputed institution. He is considered to be a model of decent values (  cost          ). He bears a flawless character. He takes a keen interest in gaining knowledge. He bears (       keeps    ) great social and moral values in his character that everyone appreciates. He works as a lighthouse (  beacon     ). He emits bright beams of performance to enlighten (   highlight             ) the gloomy hearts. Briefly speaking, an ideal student plays a vital role in the making of a good society.

“Intelligence plus character- that is the goal of true education.” Lao Tzu

 The first quality of an ideal student is that he appeals (requests) to the hearts and souls of the teachers. He learns to probe into the soul of knowledge. He knows that the knowledge of self is the knowledge of God. Studying ‘self’ is really a difficult task. It requires deep devotion (  interest ) and great wisdom. Therefore, an ideal student learns to develop the qualities of self-knowledge, self-control and self-esteem (     grace   ).

“Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities because it is the quality which guarantees all others.” Winston Churchill

An ideal student shows his teachers an artistic vision ( stylistic approach  ). He shows a strong passion for work and knowledge. As a result, his imagination burns into flames. He begins to see beyond ( away from ) the bounds of heaven and earth. He becomes keen to see the unseen. He becomes eager to discover the hidden (  secret          ) treasures of knowledge.

“Imagination is more important than knowledge.” Albert Einstein

An ideal student must be a paragon (     model        ) of gentleness that gives pleasure to the sense. A student without a forceful personality and decent manners (     nice manners     ) are just like a barren land. Education without good moral values is like a dry fountain. Therefore, a student must bear a good moral character. He must be a model for his class fellows. They would certainly follow his habits and manners.

“The essence of knowledge is, having it, to apply it; not having it, confessing your ignorance.” Confucius

An ideal student must have full responsibility for his work. He must have a keen desire to gain knowledge and skills. Effective communication (     connection       ) is the lifeblood of performance. He must have to convey his feeling, ideas and thoughts to his teachers effectively. He is always ready to have a free-flowing discussion, a simple speech. His logical presentation of ideas is the vital factor (   useful factor) that makes his communication force full. And an ideal student must possess all these attributes. Pliny the Younger, a Roman politician and writer says:  “The living voice is that which sways the soul.” 

Briefly speaking, a student must show great learning techniques. He must prepare a well-organized lesson plan for his studies. He takes part in tutorial groups. He urges his classmates to take part in co-curricular activities. He wants to become a leading sportsman, a useful citizen and a great scholar. In short, I end with the words of Henry Adams:

“A Student affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops”


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