2-My Hobby
“Earth and sky, woods and fields, lakes and rivers, the mountains and the sea, are excellent schoolmasters, and teach some of us more than we can ever learn from books.” John Lubbock
A hobby is an activity which is made by a person in his leisure time. It keeps one busy and active. It helps him relax in the humdrum of life. My hobby is gardening which I enjoy from the core of my heart. I love Nature very much. I feel attached to the world of nature, which is my strong passion. When the weather is extremely hot or cold then only I like to stay indoors, otherwise, I love to see the great panorama of nature all-around of me.
“Look deep into Nature, and then you will understand everything better.” Albert Einstein
Gardening keeps me in two worlds at the same time, home and Nature. That is, the world of our family and its joys and problems and the world of the trees, bushes, plants and flowers and their charms. When I see their different shades of colours my joy knows no bounds. I wonder how Allah has created such a charismatic world of flowers and birds. I am always mesmerized to see the luminous colours of the birds which enjoy sitting on the plants in my garden. Their chirping makes me happy.
Every flower is a soul blossoming in nature.
Gerard De Nerval
There is quite a big garden in my house. I go there early in the morning and work on the plants for an hour or so. On holidays I work in the “greenhouse” in the evening, too. I observe the little plants very deeply, which need special care of mine. I protect them against the severity of the weather. I love all kinds of plants, but I have a special collection of roses: pink roses, white roses, and red roses. I have more than ten kinds of colourful rose plants in my garden.

“What’s in a name? that which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” Shakespeare.
In the winter and spring, the rose flowers in red, yellow, golden, white and other colours are simply enchanting. There are some types of lilies, marigolds, jasmines and sunflowers. Whenever any guest visits our house they are stunned to see the variety of roses.

“Nature always wears the colours of the spirit.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson
I also plant new trees in the rainy season. At the end of summer, I plant vegetables for the winter and at the end of winter, I plant vegetables for the summer. I water the plants regularly and soften the ground near their roots. Then I also cut away the extra, useless branches of the plants. All this keeps me physically active and smart. It gives me vigour & energy.
Gardening invites me to think and praise Almighty Allah. I wonder to see the life cycle of a seed and am thankful to Him that He has given us whatever we want and need to survive. I wonder how a sepal becomes an enormous tree. It gives strength to my faith. “Faith is to believe what you do not see; the reward of this faith is to see what you believe.” Saint Augustine
In all things of nature, there is something marvellous
AristotleTruly speaking, physical work in a garden or field gives me both physical and mental satisfaction. Both the body and the mind get strengthened ( ) in the fresh, fragrant & natural atmosphere.
“The ability to perceive or think differently is more important
than the knowledge gained.” David Bohm
It is, thus, natural that I feel stronger and happier when I move back from my small garden to everyday activities. Naturally, I understand my lessons better, move and walk with greater ease and eat the foods and fruits with thankfulness and greater desire. I am very grateful to Allah Almighty Who has created everything for us.
“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be
seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart.”
Helen Keller
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