Answers of MCQs- Spellings-verb-parts of speech
22 | My Favourite Book
"However many holy words you read, however many you speak, what good will they do you if you do not act upon them." Buddha
Reading makes the mind rich with the knowledge that ultimately soothes man's mind. It leads to lead a successful and peaceful life. There is no denying the fact that book reading is a very good habit. It is the best need of life for an educated man. In advanced countries, people love to maintain their own libraries. being a lover of books, they spend some part of their monthly income on buying new books according to their taste and field. Book reading is as compulsory for the growth of humankind as food is essential for the development of the human body. I have myself developed a great passion for reading books on different subjects or topics. I have gone through a number of good books in my life and have learnt a lot from them, but the book which I like the most is the Holy Quran. It gives a complete code of life.
"There is more treasure in books than in all the pirates' loot on 'treasure Island'... and best of all you can enjoy these riches every day of your life" Walt Disney
It is a revealed book like the Bible, the Tuarat, the Zaboor etc. All these books teach humanity and the oneness of Allah. The Quran was revealed to Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.A.W), the last prophet of Allah in the 7th century. Despite being so ancient, it is still in its original form and will be valid till the world exits. It will remain original forever and ever. The authenticity of this book lies in the fact no change of even a single word has been made in it because Allah Almighty Himself has taken responsibility for its purity and safety. It has 30 paras, has about 77,640 words and is divided into chapters and verses. The chapters are called surahs which are 114 in number. It has 6666 verses. Though revealed in Arabic, it has been translated into all-important languages of the world. It gives us solutions and guidance on social and economical issues.
"We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools." Martin Luther
A number of distinguished scholars have written their commentaries and elaborations on this book for the comprehension of every educated and lay public. It is an ocean of knowledge and wisdom for all mankind. The more we read it, the more knowledge we get out of it. It contains the basic principles of our religion "Isalm". It is truly the will of Allah Almighty which is expressed in the Holy Quran thoroughly. It is a complete code of life and it covers Islamic laws. It gives us all psychological guidance to humanity, which is the great hallmark of this sacred book. It covers our personal life related to our foods, costumes, weddings, prayers, business etc.
"Never lose a holy curiosity." Albert Einstein.
It also throws light on our public life regarding the duties of government and our duties towards society. It also explains the rules regarding the collecting and distributing of 'Zakat'. The Holy Quran pleads for humanity based on the golden principles of honesty, justice and fairly. it urges us to establish a society where people like to help one another without any social or class discrimination.
"However many holy words you read, however many you speak, what good will they do you if you do not act upon them." Buddha
It also reminds us time and again that we are sure to appear before God on the appointed Day of Judgement. It demands that how we are true to Allah's dictates. We can make both of our worlds very successful by following the Islamic principles mentioned in the Holy Quran. As it has been written in a very sweet and soothing style, It has influenced the minds and hearts of its readers and listeners. I, being a true Muslim, try to recite it daily early in the morning to comfort my heart and soul. It gives me peace of mind that nothing else can provide me. I also read its translation for a better understanding of the universe on scientific grounds.
"Look deep into Nature, and you will understand everything better." Albert Einstenin
The immediate effect of its recitation is that I don't fall prey to world temptation and moral degeneration. Since I believe in its teachings and of All Almighty, I try to lead a very pious and pure life. No satanic effort can ever be successful to detract me from the right path of Isalm as I am a staunch lover of this sacred book.
"The best effect of my book is that it excites the reader to self-activity." Thomas Carlyle
"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever." Mahatma Gandhi
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