
Showing posts from November, 2022

Creative writing -What are different essays for the Creative Writing

Type of Essays for the creative Writing There are different types of essays that appear on boards and all competitive exams all over the world. You need some skills regarding vocabulary and grammatical structures to write. They are as follows: 1. Descriptive Essays  These are creative essays in which you describe the situation or events in your own way. The actual event that happens and you try to write it in your own style 2. Narrative Essays - stories In Narrative writing, you write stories, for example: 1. "A telephone call that changed your life altogether." 2. "I made a mistake by telling him or her about my secret." 3. "Darkness always terrified me." 4. "I had never seen her so depressed. Tears rolled down her face as I walked towards her." 4. "I could not help wondering when I saw him in dungaree in a car workshop." 3. Narrative Essays - events 1. An unsuccessful shopping trip 2. A visit to an amusement park. 3. "You have j...

An essay on A Road Accident - with an outline

  28| A Road Accident Life is uncertain, fleeting and unpredictable in its nature. Man is exceedingly conscious to adopt adequate measures for this security and safety. But in spite of his efforts and all struggle, he cannot escape from the clutches of ‘Nature, red in tooth and claw. We daily observe accidents of various kinds occurring at different places all around the world. Thousands of people lose their precious lives in these accidents and many others are crippled for life. Perhaps this surging stream of human blood is not enough to satiate the unquenchable thirst of furious imminent fate. Shakespeare says: “As flies to wanton boys are we to the gods, they kill us for their sport” Accidents are always pathetic, distressing and heart-rending. The accident I am going to narrate is tragically terrible. Once, my friends and I made a program to spend a few days in the comforting company of nature in Swat Valley. The preparations were finalized within two days. On the third day, we...

An essay on The Dignity of Labour (Work)- | for all classes

The Dignity of Labour (Work) Outline: Manual work formerly given to slaves Manual work is now free labour, but still looked down upon by some The distinction between manual and mental work misleading The Dignity of honest labour Conclusion By 'labour' we generally mean manual work; that is, work done with the hands, as distinguished from work, or work done with the hands. In ancient times, manual labour was looked down upon and then it was treated as an inferior being, Most ancient states were based upon slave labour. In Egypt, the great pyramids were built by slaves. It required intensive labour. Even the Greek city-states consisted of a small number of free citizens, who devoted themselves to the higher arts and professions and left all manual labour to slaves. And yet it was anxiety Greece that taught the world lessons of political liberty and self-government! In modern times slavery has been abolished by all civilized nations, yet a hundred years ago slavery still existed a...

My Favourite Book | Essay with outline for inter classes

 22 | My Favourite Book "However many holy words you read, however many you speak, what good will they do you if you do not act upon them." Buddha Outline: Book reading is food for thoughts The Holy Quran is the book I like the most Everlasting guidance for all mankind Ensure success and peace of mind A complete code of life The Holy Quran reveals the true nature of man It ensures successful life here and life hereafter Conclusion       Reading makes the mind rich with the knowledge that ultimately soothes man's mind. It leads to lead a successful and peaceful life. There is no denying the fact that book reading is a very good habit. It is the best need of life for an educated man. In advanced countries, people love to maintain their own libraries. being a lover of books, they spend some part of their monthly income on buying new books according to their taste and field. Book reading is as compulsory for the growth of humankind as food is essential for the devel...

Examination System In Pakistan | an essay with outline for inter classes

21 | Examination System "The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much, but whether we provide enough for those who have little.   Franklin D. Roosevelt Outline : What is an Examination Types of Examination Certain feelings of the students during the examination Examination schedule after a certain time An examination is a test of students as well as teachers Advantages and disadvantages of our education system The examination system needs some reforms Conclusion      There arises a comprehensive debate on the topic of the examination system in Pakistan. Some of them favour it while others go against it. However, the examination tests a person's innate ability to perform in a particular subject, which may be academic or non-academic. It requires a great challenge and preparation to get through. The examination is a source of inspiration. It is the time for the demonstration of the great abilities of students as well ...

6| My Last Day at School for Intermediate Classes -

5. My Last Day at School “Tears from the depth of some divine despair, Rise in the heart and gather to eyes, In looking at the happy autumn fields, And thinking of the days that are no more.” Outline: Early school days of my life Speech of the Headmaster Performance of the students The departure of the students Last address of the Headmaster Conclusion      Since the very advent of life, man has been hankering after all comforts and luxuries of life. And these things can be achieved by dint of hard and perseverance in life. Institutions are the places to materialize these dreams. In the storehouse of my memory, my last day at school occupies a prominent place in my life. I can never forget the joyful company of my school fellows when I left school and entered a new academic life of college. My school was the place where I spent the golden years of my life. Those happy days, bursts of noisy laughter and careless wandering with my friends still hunt my memory. “The...

"A Rising Tide Lifts Every Boat" - Speech Competition in English

Rising a tide is a natural phenomenon. Rising a tide is a natural phenomenon. Its undulant grace looks so great and beautiful. Its magnitude and weight are really unimaginable. It works and indeed it does lift every boat sailing on its surface. Whether it is big or small, it rises up and up. Every sailing object is getting boosted up and up, rising high and high. Now it depends, on how this change happens; what actually causes this change. If the cause is genuine or fair, it fairly benefits each one of us who is related directly or indirectly. On the other side, if this source is ingenious, the whole web of the community will get the benefit. Indeed such happens very often that each tide has the capacity to keep all the boats up and up. Now it depends that how the works and gives opportunities to everyone to lift each up and up. 

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