6| My Last Day at School for Intermediate Classes -

5. My Last Day at School

“Tears from the depth of some divine despair,
Rise in the heart and gather to eyes,
In looking at the happy autumn fields,
And thinking of the days that are no more.”


Early school days of my life

Speech of the Headmaster

Performance of the students

The departure of the students

Last address of the Headmaster


    Since the very advent of life, man has been hankering after all comforts and luxuries of life. And these things can be achieved by dint of hard and perseverance in life. Institutions are the places to materialize these dreams. In the storehouse of my memory, my last day at school occupies a prominent place in my life. I can never forget the joyful company of my school fellows when I left school and entered a new academic life of college. My school was the place where I spent the golden years of my life. Those happy days, bursts of noisy laughter and careless wandering with my friends still hunt my memory.

“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart.” Helen Keller

My last day at school is still fresh in my memory. The headmaster was addressing a big audience. Some attentive students listened and clapped wherever the speaker made such a point. Some naughty ones were whispering and passing funny remarks over the speech. They hurl jesters at one another. This is a typical school student character. The farewell function on my last day of school was in full swing. Our worthy headmaster advised us with the words of Albert Einstein:

“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.”

Earlier, some students staged a variety show, which included comic skits, and dance and music performances. All the performers had shown great artistic skill in each performance that we were not expecting. They showed that education does not mean cramming books only. It includes polishing one’s talent and enabling one to be a useful citizen.

“There are more men ennobled by study than by nature”

No sooner had the headmaster concluded his speech than the students rushed to the dining hall. A delicious meal was waiting for us. Some of us pounced upon the dishes whereas others showed good control. I was hearing the noise of plates, spoons and glasses etc.

Our worthy teachers also participated and said:

“Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value.”

Formal farewell speeches were made on the occasion. A boy sang a ghazal and delighted the audience with his melodious voice. Finally, the headmaster addressed the gathering and advised the students to work with devotion and be well-mannered to succeed and prosper in life. Before dispersing we thanked our juniors for their nice farewell.

“Sometimes you need to take a departure from what you do to something that’s slightly different in order to get inspiration.” Tori Amos

In conclusion, the function proved to be a stepping stone for us. We had not come up with a notion of eating and enjoying only. But the school administration had turned it into a unique purpose-oriented one. To guide and lead someone in the right direction is a great virtue; our school had just done the same. That last day at school became the first day of another institution for us. It made me realize that

“Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less.” Marie Curie

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